Candidate recruitment expense
Costs associated with locating and securing new employees will be funded from a centralized budget monitored by the Human Resources Department. Contact the Executive Director of Human Resources to have a Dean or AVP set up with signature authority during the search.
- Advertising
Each position is automatically posted on "" after hiring paperwork is submitted to People Admin and is paid through a central budget.
If a department would like to do additional advertising (i.e. professional journals, other websites), the amount shall not exceed $500 for each search position. Any amount exceeding $500 requires the approval of the Executive Director of Human Resources.
PCards will be the official means for paying for additional advertising costs. Note the college area and position number in the transaction description in the Wells Fargo reallocation website. Charge all other Advertising expenses to 10000-54014-72139-6000. When units reallocate their PCards to the FOAP, they will need to get the area's Dean or AVP to sign off on the PCard statement as the FOAP approver.
- Direct recruitment expenses
Direct recruitment expenses include meeting, interviewing and travel costs associated with bringing a candidate to campus. The direct recruitment costs shall not exceed $3,000 per faculty search and $2,500 for exempt search (this is in addition to the advertising budget). Any amounts in excess require approval by the Executive Director of Human Resources.
- Procedure
- Complete a UNC Catering and Alcohol Approval form and acquire appropriate approval by an Authorized Official Function Representative, the Executive Director of Human Resources and the unit Dean or AVP. If costs are expected to exceed $3,000 for a faculty search or $2,500 for an exempt search, the form will require additional approval from the Executive Director of Human Resources.
- Use FOAP 10000-54014-XXXXX-6000 on the form
- Utilize unit PCard for related incidental expenses including meals while meeting and interviewing candidate.
- Complete a Travel Authorization form for each candidate traveling to UNC and ensure that expected costs do not exceed candidate limits.
- Use FOAP 10000-54014-XXXXX-6000 on the form
- Have the unit Dean or AVP sign the Travel Authorization.
- Have candidate complete a W-9 Request for Taxpayer ID Number form in order for them to receive travel reimbursement after their campus visit.
- Candidates personally incurring expenses must complete the Travel Reimbursement form and provide original receipts with the exception of meals. Meals will be reimbursed based on UNC per diem rates. Such requests should be completed within 45 days after the campus visit. The Travel Reimbursement form, along with the original receipts, should be submitted to the department posting the position.
- Use FOAP 10000-54014-XXXXX-6000
- Hiring department Dean or AVP should approve the Travel Reimbursement form and submit documents to Accounts Payable department.
- Candidates should receive reimbursement of travel expenses within two weeks of submitting the appropriate documentation. If reimbursement has not be received, candidate should contact the hiring department directly.
Moving expense
Costs associated with relocating a new UNC employee will be funded from a centralized budget monitored by the Human Resources Department. Any amounts anticipated to exceed $2,500 will require pre-approval by the appropriate vice president. All moving expense reimbursements shall be clearly stated in the employment letter.
- Instructions and Forms
The school’s Accounting Specialist, HR Specialist, or Business Operations Manager will submit the form via OnBase;
The OnBase form will be routed to the hiring authority, who agreed upon the reimbursement prior to the move, received proper approvals if necessary and included the amounts in the employment letter.
Once approved by the hiring authority, the form will route to the Executive Director of Human Resources for FOAP approval. If additional approvals are required, the tax accountant will forward.
Once all approvals are received in OnBase, the form will route to Accounts Payable.
Once the payment is processed, a copy will be sent to the Payroll Office so that the taxable payment is properly reflected on the employee's next paycheck.
Moving Expense Reimbursement Instructions
- FAQ's
- What authority governs moving expense reimbursement?
IRS Publication 521, Moving Expenses -
State of Colorado Fiscal Rules, Chapter 2, Section 9
- Will UNC pay for my moving expenses?
UNC may reimburse your moving or relocation expenses. Any reimbursement amount will be negotiated and confirmed between the employee and hiring authority prior to the move.
- Do I need to submit receipts in order to be reimbursed?
Receipts are only required if your hiring authority requests them to determine itemized moving expenses. These do not need to be turned into General Accounting.
- When do my receipts need to be turned in to UNC?
Receipts must be submitted by the employee within 60 days after the expenses were paid or incurred in order to comply with IRS Publication 521. Any receipts that are not submitted within this time, and are subsequently reimbursed, will be subject to tax.
- Who in Accounting do I contact with questions regarding moving expense reimbursement?
Amy Sands, 970-351-1828,
- Will this reimbursement show up on my W-2?Yes, the reimbursement is considered taxable income and will be reflected as such on your W-2.
- What portion of my moving expense reimbursement is taxable, what is non-taxable?
Beginning January 1, 2018, all moving expenses are taxable income to employees. There are no longer non-taxable or taxable portions. Additional information can be found in IRS Publication 521 -
- What authority governs moving expense reimbursement?